Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Year of Living Biblically

The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible was, without a doubt, the best book I read all of last week. It tracks the author's pursuit to follow every rule in the bible for a year as best he can. I thought it was great, since he tackled the Old Testament for the first 8 months, which provided me with a much clearer understanding of the Jewish perspective, without having to read more books!
This would be great for someone just starting to get interested in Christianity OR Judaism.
It was also refreshing to see an agnostic approach Judeo-Christian faith that isn't bitter or angry, as is the style of the day. So I got down with A.J. and would recommend it to anyone looking for a good time. Oh man, this was a really lame review.

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