Monday, October 29, 2007

That's the good stuff

I'm sure you are all aware of the "applesauce". Sure, it's tasty & oldschool. I remember the Mott's from my younger days. If you're like me, you enjoy a nice bowl of "applesauce" on the side with a sandwich and potato chips. But, well, some days, gosh, I don't know, it just seems, somehow, geez, how do I put this, over done. That's why I'm so grateful for a new sauce that's really had a major impact on my life: The Peachsauce. That's right, just like the super tasty fruit treat, only you can sip, sup, and slurp this bad boy down. It tastes just like peaches, and can be totally saucy, too. It's like The Applesauce's punky little brother, coming at you with a whole lot of attitude. Before you can say, "Gosh, I think I might like to try that...", it's already gone, baby, gone. I commend this tasty treat to you as a gesture of goodwill, on behalf of all who have come before us. God Bless America.

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