Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Best of What's Around

Oh Halloween, what a crazy day you are. I love eating candy til my teeth hurt and getting my spook on. Yeah, right. This is gonna be another lame one, but that's okay, I will survive. I've had a few good ones, I still remember being bummed out at how lame Chicagoland Halloween is, compared to the Philly ones, but I think that was mostly because I came from an unbelievably awesome neighborhood, the perfect trick-or-treat one. I remember going out as a cowboy with homemade chaps in High School, walking into a white hen pantry, and realizing i had a fake gun.
I still remember having to travel to Moline, IL (edge of Iowa) to play a state playoff game, and not getting back until the witching hour of Nov. 1. There are a few that are a blur, but I haven't really done anything since I got to college, except use it as an excuse to watch scary movies and read ghost stories. I took the long way round to work this morning, scanning the radio to hear "Monster Mash" but to no avail. I hope you get to hear it today!

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