Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lucky to be alive

Here's the scoop: You know that feeling about how you having to give a report in class, and it's friday afternoon and you might not have to give the report until monday if everything works out and you're just watching the clock and hoping you can make it to the bell?
That's how I feel about the reign of the only-history-will-tell-if-this-genius-will-be-remembered-as-the-worst-president-of-all-time. I feel like if we can make it to January 2009 without something terrible (well, worse than the last 7 years) happening, I'll be satisfied. We've passed the point of redemption, and the only thing we can hope for is a holding pattern, unless we all hunker down, isolate ourselves from the world, hit reset, and start over with President Obama or President Gore or even President Clinton (she makes me feel safe). I know my analogy falls short, what would you say?

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