Friday, November 2, 2007

Mashup of the Cranes

I don't know who you get down with, but I think Marissa Nadler could float your boat. I think she fits in with the fall/winter seasons, and she got raaal purty voice tuh.

Weakerthans, weakerthans, weakerthans. You don't have to listen to me, you don't have to think they are phenomenal. But please, please, listen to Craig Finn of the Hold Steady: best songwriters: Dylan, Young, Springsteen, Blake Schwarzenbach, John Samson. Believe it.

Okkervil River, Band of Horses, Devandra Barnhardt, what? Be you angels? No, we are but HARP Magazine. Rock on.

I don't know how to say this, but The Playing Favorites are awesome.

Don't forget to watch Friday Night Lights tonight!

Isn't it annoying when people keep telling you that Halloween's bad, even into November?

Movies watched & to watch this weakend:
SpiderMan 3
The Thing
Grindhouse: Death Proof
Ken Burns Civil War
Decemberists: A Practical Handbook
Van Helsing
Northern Exposure
Sports Night
Notre Dame (hopefully) victory over Navy (oh please God)

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