Thursday, December 6, 2007

Jury Duty, New Tunes, THIS is hardcore

Oh man, yesterday was jury duty, freaked out to no end. I didn't see it as a "privilege" or a "chance to have my voice heard" but rather deciding the fate of another human being. And that is totally above my pay grade. I couldn't handle it. HOWEVER, yesterday was an awesome day. I sat in a blend of a library reading room and an airport lounge, reading books, watching snow fall onto a pond and hills thru giant windows, whilst TVLand played I Love Lucy, Bonanza, etc. all day. It was awesome! Didn't get called, we've got this "one trial or one day" policy, so i'm done. Anything that happens today, I can say, "at least i'm not in court".
Fav New Music:
Rufus Does Judy at Carnegie Hall
This is the music he was born to sing. I still think his debut was one of the finest albums of the 90s, but, my god, this album knocks my socks off.
The 1900s: Cool and Kind
Best new music TO ME. Not brand new, but I finally hopped on the orch-pop train, and I'm loving it. So good, so fresh and so clean.
Bishop Allen: The Broken String
Another one that's been on my eMusic wishlist for some time, finally did it, totally worth it. Best pop rock album of the year.

Best grindcore album of the year: The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza- Danza II The Electric Boogaloo

Oi! Oi! Oi!

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