Thursday, March 20, 2008

Diva, etc.

Last monday, went to the Tivioli in the DG to see this flick, Diva, with their After Hours Film Society. This was a great old theatre, just solid thru and thru. And the film was sweetified. Bike messenger, opera singer, aviator sunglasses, corrupt cops, 'tutes, and triple cross. Yeah.

Watched Atonement last night, first half. Good and sad. Southland Tales was nice, Richard Kelly sure loves time travel. Got a ton of good flicks to watch, some tasty books as well, but throw it all out, because I went to the doc, pissed in a cup, gave a blood sample, got the tests back, and, I've got march madness!! legal & legit tv and movie website.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Okay, so here's what you need to do

Go out and get every Black Keys album. Listen to em over and over for the next 3 weeks. Then, pick up Attack & Release on April 1 and find satisfaction in life.